Usually we engage with solicitors and attorneys on matters of property acquisition and sale because of the typically larger sums involved, however, provided certain criteria are met and we understand the purpose of a payment, we can work with your appointed legal representative on a number of matters.

Evidence of the relationship between our client and the firm sending us funds is all that we require in order to assist with a transaction.
When registering a client, we take steps to establish and evidence the physical source of the money arriving with our carefully chosen settlement partners, so, this may involve collaboration with your solicitor to confirm the reason why they are the 'source of funds', and, we ask for details relating to the origins of the money in the first instance; so, for instance, if you are receiving a gift from a family member we will ask you to provide documentary evidence as to the source of that family member's wealth.
In cases where funds are arriving into the United Kingdom and require further credit to a law firm or vendor (for instance the balance on a house purchase), we can pay monies directly to the appropriate party.

Depending on the authorised payment institution nominated to facilitate the exchange of your money, funds can be sent to your legal or financial representatives from accounts created exclusively in your name. In many cases and with many of the authorised payment institutions (APIs) we work with this is standard practise. One of the key advantages of working with Prime Cap is our significant level of experience in property-related matters.
In instances where clients are referred to us before they have sought or engaged legal representation, we are happy to make introductions to our wider network.