Foreign Buyer? 3 Tips to Help with their Currency Needs.I am often told by property professionals that their customers do not need the services I offer - that currency exchange, FX and the...
5 reasons why PCL Landlords should consider working with a currency broker.Whether you manage your properties yourself or rely on a company to do it for you, if any, some or all of your income gets sent overseas...
Buying Prime | You've registered as a client; what happens next?Practically, once a client has formally registered with Prime Cap our segregated client trust accounts are made available for settlement....
Buying Prime | planning your purchase.The majority of referrals we receive from the legal sector relate to the purchase of London property. The overriding consideration for us...
Do you manage rental properties? One way to improve your bottom line...Working in residential property...what reaction would you expect were you to inform your international or non-dom landlords that your 2%...